Wishing you a Happy New Year,
filled with happiness, contentment, and peace.
(image courtesy of pixabay.com)
The alchemists and certain schools of Mahayana Buddhism have claimed that final transformation cannot be attained without a partner and that human love at a high stage is the essential energy that prepares the ultimate perceptions. Human love earths revelation and brings the divine experience down into all the ordinary details of life to reveal life's essential holiness, initiating both lovers in the process into the fullness of divine presence.Lovely, no?
"Well, you see . . . the normal defensive-aggressive reaction between strangers meeting -- let's say you and Mr. Osden just for example -- is something you're scarcely aware of; habit, manners, inattention get you past it; you've learned to ignore it, to the point where you might even deny it exists. However, Mr. Osden, being an empath, feels it. Feels his feelings, and yours, and is hard put to say which is which. Let's say that there's a normal element of hostility towards any stranger in your emotional reaction to him when you meet him, plus a spontaneous dislike of his looks, or clothes, or handshake -- it doesn't matter what. He feels that dislike. As his autistic defense has been unlearned, he resorts to an aggressive-defense mechanism, a response in kind to the aggression which you have unwittingly projected onto him."And later, in response to the question, "He can't tune us out?":
"It's like hearing . . . No eyelids on your ears. No Off switch on empathy. He hears our feelings whether he wants to or not."Does that feel familiar to you, dear Empath? Hopefully, however, you have learned to be a bit more sociable than this poor character.
"Life loves to know itself, out to its furthest limits; to embrace complexity is its delight. Our difference is our beauty. All these worlds and the various forms and ways of the minds and lives and bodies on them -- together they would make a splendid harmony."Wouldn't you love to wave that on a poster at your nearest political rally?