Saturday, October 19, 2024

A Great Video for Empaths

      I came across this video that is full of helpful advice for empaths who feel themselves overwhelmed, especially these days when emotions seem at a fever pitch.  Please take the time to watch it if you are able.  Enjoy!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Some Words of Clarity Amidst All the Political Hype

      I came across this quote and felt compelled to share it with you.  Something to ponder while we are bombarded with political ads everywhere we go.

Appealing to tribe, appealing to fear, pitting one group against another, telling people that order and security will be restored if it weren't for those who don't look like us or don't sound like us or don't pray like we do, that's an old playbook.  It's as old as time.  And in a healthy democracy it doesn't work.  Our antibodies kick in, and people of goodwill from across the political spectrum call out the bigots and the fearmongers, and work to compromise and get things done and promote the better angels of our nature.  (Barack Obama, 44th US President)


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Another View on Twin Souls, Part 2

      Did you have a chance to see Isabeau Maxwell's video on Twin Souls?  What did you think?

     I agree with her that often the concept of Twin Souls is misunderstood.  Many people think that Twin Souls are two halves of a soul, incomplete without each other.  That's where the abuse, manipulation, and pain that Isabeau warns against come from, I believe.  

     But I look at the idea of Twin Souls as two souls, two halves that have each become whole in themselves, who may eventually meet.  Each person isn't incomplete without the other, but rather has evolved to a point where their masculine and feminine parts are balanced and complete.  

     It's like this:  We aren't 50% of a soul trying to find our other half to be complete, but a complete and whole soul that, when reuniting with our other part, our Twin, becomes even more complete and whole.  

     The math is weird -- it's not 1/2 plus 1/2 equals a whole, but a whole plus a whole equals a unified whole.  Does that make sense?  If not, I nudge you to explore the concept further in The Gemini Bond (yes, that was a shameless plug).  

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Another View on Twin Souls

      Not too long ago I viewed a video on YouTube about Twin Souls.  It was offered by a woman I greatly admire, Isabeau Maxwell, so I was interested to hear what she had to say on the topic.  I'd like you to take a look and ponder it, if you would.  Then I'll give my take on it next week.  Enjoy!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

My Daily Prayer, Part 4

      This is the final part of a series about what I pray for every morning.  It focuses on the state of our world and the potential of human evolution.  I pray for the removal of the veils of ignorance, greed, rankism, and isolation.

     Why do I pray for the removal of isolation?  

     If we were to remove the idea that each of us is somehow isolated from everyone else, we would come to see the that we are all connected.  We are a collective.  What we do to others we do to ourselves.  What goes around comes around.  

     And if we were to understand that, how would our species change?  Less rudeness.  More charity and kindness.  No wars.  No taking advantage of others, whether through deceptive advertising, unhealthy or unhelpful products, unfair wages, or treating others as "lesser than."

     We would learn to act for the welfare of our children, grandchildren, and generations beyond.  The kind of world we leave for them would be a paramount concern.

     Perhaps I'm an idealist.  But look around.  Our world is teetering on a knife edge.  We have to change, or we will cease to exist.  Will you join me in this prayer?

Saturday, August 17, 2024

My Daily Prayer, Part 3

      My daily prayer focuses on the state of the human species, and the removal of the veils of ignorance, greed, rankism, and isolation.  Today, let's look at what I mean by "rankism."

     To me, rankism is the idea that I, or my tribe, or my country, or my ethnic group, is better than others that do not belong.  This view looks at life like it's a competition, a zero-sum game where there are only winners and losers.  It's the Darwinian view of life, where only the fittest survive.

    What would it look like if humans overcame this?  

     There would be no place for racism, for poverty and homelessness, for gross economic inequities, for arms races, or for war.  Schools would receive more funding than armies.  Political parties would learn to compromise and work toward the common good.  People would be curious about and rejoice in the ethnic traditions of others.  

     People would be judged on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, to paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  

     I'm sure there are many, many more wonderful things that would happen in a world without rankism.  Will you join me in this prayer?

Saturday, August 10, 2024

My Daily Prayer, Part 2

      As I was explaining last week, I have a daily prayer routine and I've been praying for the evolution and healing of the human species.  I have four areas that I focus on, the removal of the veils of ignorance, greed, rankism, and isolation.  Let's discuss the second area.

     Greed.  Whew, that's a big one.  What would the removal of that look like?  For starters, if we overcame greed, we would not see happiness as something that we can buy.  We would use some of our money to help others.  Food kitchens and homelessness could be eradicated.  People would not be so driven to drive themselves to work so much in order to buy the latest thing and would learn to enjoy the moment more. 

     Workers would be paid living wages because corporations would not pay the upper echelons so much.  Companies would focus on offering products that are safe and healthy, as opposed to being addictive or frivolous.   

     Oil companies would close because their leaders finally understand that the welfare of their grandchildren's planet is more important than the next quarter's company profits.

     People would treat our Mother Earth with reverence, as opposed to an expendable resource that we can strip and trash at will.

     I'm sure those are just a small sampling of what could be accomplished if we were to conquer greed.  That's definitely something to pray for.  Will you join me?