Saturday, January 11, 2014

An Interesting Article on Soul Mates

     I was reading the January/February 2014 issue of Spirituality and Health (a fabulous magazine, if you don't already know about it) and ran across an interesting article.  Jane Ganahl, in "A Match Made in Heaven?", explores the notion of soul mates.  However, as she uses the term (even referring to Plato's explanation of the soul's duality), I think she means Twin Souls.

     Right down my alley!  I read the article with relish and found some juicy quotes which I will share later.  However, the gist of the article is that many people wait and wait for the "perfect one" to come along and make them complete and happy.  That's not how Twin Souls work.  More on that to come.

     If you would like to look at the article for yourself, here's the link:  Happy reading!

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